
详细介绍与文档请查看 TG群: @AppleAutoPro_group

AppleAutoPro Personal Edition

After purchase, you will receive an offline authorization certificate and bind it to the domain name
"Sharing page" does not restrict access to domain names
Provide basic technical support
Multi-language support(zh-cn,en-us,vi-vn)
Changing domain is not supported

AppleAutoPro Business Edition

After purchase, you will receive an authorization code, which is bound to the domain name and authorized online.
"Sharing page" does not restrict access to domain names
Provide basic technical support
Multi-language support(zh-cn,en-us,vi-vn)

AppleAuto Pro 商业版永久授权

After purchase, you will receive an authorization code, which is bound to the domain name and authorized online.
"Sharing page" does not restrict access to domain names
Provide basic technical support
Multi-language support(zh-cn,en-us,vi-vn)